Welcome to my site!                                                     Mrs. Rodríguez ~ Educational Technologist  

Educational Technology

The main role of an  Educational Technologist is to collaborate with teachers and assist them with the integration of  technology into their curriculum. This site provides them with some of the necessary tools they need to integrate technology into their curriculum to prepare their students for a technology-driven society.

Educational Technology Organizations

i-Safe:  Internet Safety Education

ISTE: International Society for Technology in Education

NETS: National Educational Technology Standards

Partnership for 21st Century Skills


Let's Collaborate!
Additional resources are posted to my Weblog, in which teachers will  find software tutorials and could also share ideas and lessons on  the  Technology Collaboration forum.  There is a section on Technology Integration, which includes the topic of Weblogs in Education. Visit the Links section and check out the Link of the Week for a new link posted every week!

MY ET Weblog

Other Educational Technology Weblogs


Your comments and questions regarding this Website are welcome. Please e-mail rosarodz2001@hotmail.com

Copyright © Rosa Rodriguez. All rights reserved. Last updated on 21 March 2008.


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